Thursday, July 30, 2009

Gotta Have Heart

There are also maps of your favorite cities.

Palin Twitters Poetry

Louise Fili

Beautiful and Inspiring designs - Restaurants and Food Packaging

Cristoph Nieman- illustrator extraordinaire

so brainy!

SNL DIgital Short: I'm On A Boat

Angry Hand Puppet fight

Initially I thought this was two sock puppets getting mad at each other. RAd! But I'm typing right now with my laptop tilting in a weird way. Now that I see it for what it really is, I'm slightly less impressed. Although polar bears fighting in a sunset are still neat enough to share. So if anyone knows who the artist is let me know and I will make sure to give them the credit!

Effective Alarm Clock a new online favorite. Just don't subscribe to the newsletter, theres one almost everyday, i couldn't take it. Have fun browsing the site for other goodies!~

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

Dreams do come true: Bulgogi Hot Dogs

Meet the new dream team: Mister All Beef Frank meet Bulgogi your all beef buddy from the east, Korea to be more specific. I know that you two will become fast friends.

KOGI! Also while we are on the subject of hybrid foods. Here's another Korean treat making buddies with another fave, the taco truck. This place has gotten lots of press, I wish I lived closer so I could try it.

MONEY Money - my favorite you tube karaoke clip

Still holds up. Thank you to Kevin R. for sharing it with me! I was told that the girl on the right is Kim Shin Young. She is now a popular comedian/pop star know for her parodies. Thanks to Richard L. for that piece of info. Check it out

More Mona Lisa, less this

Poker face: This is similar to how I look when dealt a good hand.


Conan and Andy do manga voice overs.

Goth Google - Blackle

Had to share this from a Vena Cava's blog posting "Blackle. The goth google. Saves energy by keeping the screen black. It is awesome."

I just went through the rest of her entries and they are all equally hillarious, interesting and fun. If you have a moment you should definitely scroll through all her entries- you won't be sorry

Paper Heart

Quote from the trailer: "Q: What's the perfect date?" "A: Take somebody to AppleBee's and get them hot wings" Even kids on the playground know how to show somebody special a good time!

Paper Heart read more on Flavorpill. In theaters August 7th

OH yeah! and there are lots of cameos!

Charlene Yi

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kimchee Compound Butter

Whoa...slow down. Savour the thought. Ok so earlier this year I visited the momofuku milk bar and practically begged for a taste of a tiny little jar labeled "Kimchee Butter"

The bakery also offers a trademarked Compost Cookie and Crack Pie. Read more about it all in Blog Soop

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Feeding the inspiration monster

Some days are better than others. Today the monster is especially hungry. Found 2 great sites for inspiration today: prismlondon and significant objects